
ClearSilver Perl Documentation
Here is some preliminary documentation for the ClearSilver module:
$hdf = ClearSilver::HDF->new()
This method creates a new HDF dataset object.
This method reads the contends of an on-disk HDF dataset into the current
HDF object.
my $str_value = $hdf->getValue(STRING:$hdfpath,STRING:$default_value)
This method retrieves a string value from the HDF dataset. The $hdfpath is
a dotted path of the form "A.B.C".
This method adds a string value to the HDF dataset.
This method allows you to retrieve an HDF subtree in sorted order, using your
sort function to determine the order.
This method allows you to retrieve the HDF object which represents the
HDF subtree ad the named $hdfpath.
my $str_name = $hdf->objName();
This method retrieves the name of the current HDF node. The name only includes
the current level. Here is a sample code snippit:
$hdf = ClearSilver::HDF->new();
$hdf_subnode = $hdf->getObj("A.B.C");
# this will print "C"
print $hdf_subnode->objName();
This method retrieves the value of the current HDF node. Here is a sample code snippit:
$hdf = ClearSilver::HDF->new();
$hdf_subnode = $hdf->getObj("A.B.C");
# this will print "1"
print $hdf_subnode->objValue();
This method is used to walk the HDF tree. Keep in mind that every node in the
tree can have a value, a child, and a next peer.
$cs = Clearsilver::CS->new(HDF:$my_hdf)
This method creates a new ClearSilver template rendering context. You should have already
created and populated an HDF dataset which you provide as the only argument to the constructor.
This method parses the provided string template fragment into the parse tree.
This method parses the provided template file into the parse tree.
my $string = $cs->render();
This method evaluates the parse tree and produces the rendered output as a string.